Reasons why December is a fantastic time to sell your house.
Where is the housing market headed at the end of the year? I don’t have a crystal ball, but I can give you a few ideas about why we’re seeing the market change as we shift away from the frenzy of the last couple of years.
Firstly, buyer activity is down, and housing inventory is up nationwide. This is a big change from where we were last year, and this happened very quickly. Inventory is still relatively low locally; it’s moving slower because the demand and the number of showings have dropped. Also, there are 36% fewer sales than there were at this time last year in Southern California.
“There are serious buyers looking for a home this time of year.”
Secondly, over the past two years, we saw a massive amount of demand and not enough homes. Today, the market looks very different as those two factors undergo a shift.
The bottom line is that the traditional belief is that the holidays are a hard time to sell; however, the reality is that homes are selling every day during the holidays. Right now, home prices have come down about 11% off the peak. If you are thinking about selling, now is a great time. In addition, there are serious buyers looking for a home this time of year. Also, most relocation buyers are buying in December and January. Their companies give them money to help them move, so they often spend a little bit more on homes.
Lastly, if you wait until after the holidays to sell, you may have more competition which may ultimately bring your price down.
To successfully navigate this market, you need an expert like me on your side more than ever. I can help you understand what’s happening in the market and how it will affect your plans going forward.
If you are a friend, neighbor, coworker, or family who is waiting to sell after the holiday season, please share the video above with them. You can also reach out to me by giving me a call or sending an email. I’m always happy to help!