Stay ahead of new landlord laws by understanding eviction changes and photo requirements to protect your assets.
As a real estate professional, I'm frequently asked about updates to landlord and tenant laws. Important changes have taken effect in 2025 that landlords and small business tenants should know to stay compliant and protected.
Extended eviction timelines. Evicting a tenant is now more time-consuming. If your tenant fails to pay rent or violates the terms of their lease, they now have 10 days instead of 5 to respond to eviction notices. This extension doubles the response period, potentially delaying the eviction process and increasing your costs.
Mandatory photo documentation. While many landlords already photograph their properties, this practice is now legally required. You must take clear photographs:
Before your tenant moves in
Immediately after the tenant vacates the property
After completing any repairs
"Understanding real estate laws can be challenging, but having an expert to guide you can simplify things for you."
These photographs are essential for charging tenants for damages and can help prevent disputes, saving you both time and money.
Enhanced protections for small businesses. If you own or lease a small business property—such as an office or retail space in a shopping center—and have five or fewer employees, you now have additional protections similar to residential tenants.
To receive these protections, you must inform your landlord in writing, providing a declaration confirming your small business status. Without this documentation, you won't receive the added benefits.
Understanding real estate laws can be challenging, but having an expert to guide you can simplify things for you. If you have any questions about real estate, you can email me at or call or text (562) 316-2915. For legal questions, please reach out to Roy Jimenez from TLD Law at [email protected] or call or text (562) 923-0971.