In a market where multiple offers are scarce, what can you do to find the right buyer? Consider a reverse offer.
In a hot real estate market, it’s very common to get multiple offers. We see homes sell very quickly in this type of market. In a more balanced or downward-trending market, however, one tool we like to utilize is a reverse offer.
As a proactive agent, I’m constantly gauging the market temperature and the people who are coming through my homes. When I’m able to get feedback from agents and buyers, I sometimes hear about a buyer who is interested in the home but still on the fence. When buyers have more choices, it is tougher for them to make a final decision.
In a case like this where a buyer is hesitant, a reverse offer is a good strategy. Essentially, we go back to the buyer and make an offer to them instead of the other way around. This often gets their attention and allows us to gauge if they’re interested in the home or just browsing because the market is so active. If they’re really interested, they might just accept the offer outright or come back with a counter.
This process helps a home sale move along a lot quicker than just having it sit there, waiting for offers to come in. We are proactive and think outside the box in order to help get our clients’ homes sold.
If you have any questions for us about reverse offers or anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.